We found the best places to buy cheongsam and qipao in Hong Kong
German: Wir haben die besten Orte gefunden, um Cheongsam und Qipao in Hong Kong zu kaufen
10 Shops in Honkong

More informations you will find under Mumulin Vlog  / 木木琳Vlog

You must wear a cheongsam at a sister gathering. Just ask the president to help you match it. The black cheongsam is absolutely stunning.


Let me show you what a real woman is, and try on a collector’s edition cheongsam, which makes you look like a real woman.

I was helping a friend from out of town inspect the goods. Unexpectedly, the upper body was so stunning that I couldn’t help but customize a winter model on the spot.

The custom-made cheongsam that took 2 months is finally ready, and the replacement version of the horse-faced skirt is also here, which looks extraordinary when worn.

I asked my niece to try on a cheongsam, and she looked very stylish in it. She tricked her into buying a five-figure horse-face skirt.


The Chinese style that took 15 days to customize is finally out. Which of the two looks better? Can I enter red when I encounter a heartbeat?